SKT Themes - Fix IT v1.0 - Responsive WordPress Theme

Website Templates
SKT Themes - Fix IT v1.0 - Responsive WordPress Theme

Fix IT is a handyman WordPress theme dedicated to handymans around the world who can work on most of the fixes we need in daily life. As usual a handyman would require many things on their website. But the most prominent are the phone number and the contact forms and hence we added them. Handyman theme uses a nice slider which showcases the visuals in a great way. About us section defines and describes everything about the company along with the team. Services section shows all the services the handyman offers along with nice icons. Gallery section shows a nice filterable portfolio. Lots of shortcode are offered as has been with our other themes. Contact us section comes with a default contact form which can be disabled if the user wants to use some other contact form. We also added social icons as normally most of the people around the world prefer to connect with each other via social networks. Our handyman WordPress theme also showcases a nice slider under the main banner on the homepage showing the most used or featured services of the handyman. Quick contact form on each page means that whenever someone reaches your site can either call or connect with you via contact form.

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20.03.2020 Website Templates 410