SKT Themes - Disco Dancer v1.0 - Responsive WordPress Theme

Website Templates
SKT Themes - Disco Dancer v1.0 - Responsive WordPress Theme

Disco dancer is a dance WordPress theme and has been created to ensure that dance and dancing websites can be done justice using this. Websites created using this theme can showcase dance forms. They can easily showcase dancing trainers. They can get appointments and bookings online and can also sell packages etc online using WooCommerce. With the help of pricing tables plugins class schedules and class timings can be showcased nicely. Many pricing table plugins are compatible with this dance WordPress theme. Blog layouts are given and blog can be used to showcase training videos and help one in getting more traffic for the website. Blog also can be useful in commenting area to increase the community. Community can also be increased with the help of useful plugins like bbpress for forums and buddypress for having social networking amongst users. Enough call to actions are included with header widget friendly and one can have phone number and sign up buttons and email address as well. There are actually 4 header variations in this template which makes sure that the right kind of header as per business preference can be selected. Footer variations are also given and apart from that footer is widget friendly. Similarly sidebar layouts and variations are given and sidebar is also widget friendly. Several sections of importance are listed on the homepage and one can increase the number of sections as well. Dance trainers have been showcased and several in built shortcodes are given with this theme.

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23.03.2020 Website Templates 467